Thursday, July 29, 2010

GAME Plan Update 7/29/10

How effective were your actions in helping you meet your goals?

So far, I have been learning all about new web sites that can be used in my History class. This week's text in chapter 13 gives me a number of web sites to use to find primary documents and information for my students to research during a problem based activity. These sites include Library of Congress, Do History, History Matters, and The History Inquiry project. I am current finding plenty of technology tools to be used in my classroom. I will have no problem implementing a new technology tool in the 9 lessons I plan on creating this year for my classroom. I feel I am right on track with my goals.

What have you learned so far that can help you in your teaching practice?

I have learned about a number of teaching strategies to promote creative thinking and authentic lessons. I feel very comfortable with my understanding of inquiry based activities, Problem based activities, and the different assessments to be used to create authentic lessons. I am constantly think of how I can incorporate more of these types of lessons into my current curriculum.

What do you still have to learn? What new questions have arisen?

I would like to improve on creating actual inquiry based activities and problem based activities. I need to spend some time reviewing my curriculum and developing these lessons. I have thought of ways to implement quick 1 day lessons in my classroom. An idea I had was to create a problem using a real student based issue that is directly related to a past historical event. I would allow the students to come up with solutions to the problem. Later, I would review their solutions in class. Discuss the relationship between their solutions and the actual events solutions. I would then have my students take a virtual tour of the event to gain further knowledge of the event.

What new questions have arisen?

Has anyone found good web sites that give more examples of actual problem based activities used in different content areas? I would love to see more examples in my content area.

How will you adjust your plan to fit your current needs?

My current needs are being met. I may adjust my plan to include weekly checks to make sure I am track to give a new lesson with in ever 4 weeks. I may also need to find times to sit down specifically for planning without interruptions from other colleagues.


  1. Christopher,
    Like you, I need to spend some more time analying my curriculum and see where problem based learning activities would be beneficial. In my search for ideas for our application project, I came across this website that might be helpful. I don't know exactly what you are looking for, but it has some ideas and activities in regards to history, civics, and government. - homepage - history page


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  3. Chris-

    I am not a high school teacher, but my husband is a high school administrator. He was telling me about two teachers at his school. The co-teach a course with one of them being an English teacher and the other is a world history teacher. They do all of their lesson plans together and their assignments bleed across into each others' classroom. The point being, have you ever considered a collaboration with an English teacher with similar tech skills as yours? The partnership seems to be ripe with opportunities to integrate technology to create authentic learning opportunities.

  4. Thanks Margaret! I have taught a few co taught lessons with my team Language Arts teacher. It has been very beneficial. I just need him to expand a little on his tech tools.

  5. I agree that more exposure to PBL lessons is needed for me as well. I can remember having my English lit and American History courses team taught. It was great to incorporate the two together and it is one of the few classes I really remember. It is great when you are able to do that!

  6. Hey Chris,

    I don't have a good website that shows PBL in your content area, but I do have a contact for you to reach out to. There is a history teacher in my district who has been working with a project called Face it, Trace it, Erase it and it is all about global collaboration PBL projects. You can check out a site that talks a little about it here:

    You can also reach out to him through this site and he will get beck to you. He is uber-connected and knows a lot of people in a lot of places who are working on this stuff. As a history buff he will have some ideas about specific issues you might face and specific content you might want to include. His name is Jack Strelec.

    Hope that he might be a good resource for you.



  7. Chris,
    It sounds like you have become really motivated after learning additional information about PBL activities. I find it exciting to add new lessons to units that I have taught in the past. I have promised myself that I will NEVER be "the teacher" who pulls out her folder and teaches the same lesson year after year. Students change, curriculum changes, technology changes… How can someone NOT incorporate new and exciting activities to engage students and provide a positive learning experience?

    As for resources, I know that our fifth grade Social Studies teacher uses a program called “History Alive!” I was introduced to it during my undergraduate courses at Western Michigan University. I am not sure what grade levels are addressed, but it might be worth looking into. It consists of several interactive, hands-on activities. Good luck! It sounds like you have a great plan for next school year.
